Friday, 9 November 2012

Web Session

Three questions first:

//What is the purpose of the website?
//Who is the website for? (target audience)
//What does the target audience need from the website?

(start looking at websites and asking these 3 questions)

/Design for lowest common denominator in order for website to be accessible to all.
/Sketch designs out first (scamp), makes coding easier.
/Book: HTML&CSS John Duckett

Not 72 dpi now, 96 dpi.

Work in code view.
Preview on internet not DW.

Code tags:

open html -from this point forward going to be writing in html.

close html -not talking in html anymore.

function of website. not for the design. not visible in the design of the website.

visible at top of web browser.

visible in the design on the website. anythings outside these tags won't be visible.

meta tags: keywords search engines will find.

/Everything must be inside one folder, else will not work.
/Create 'root folder' in user work area. DO NOT use capitals in title.

/Sub folder 'images' (all type in lower case)

/To make a website go live you have to buy space on a server. Send your folder to that computer. Buy URL for people to be able to access it. Link these together and website displayed.

/Create new site

/Name it same as root folder
/Select root folder

/Site will link

/Save as: index.html this is a global name used.

/Save and preview every little change you make to ensure each piece of coding works.

/we are going to create one page that links up with 3 others.

/NEVER copy&paste code

/Create CSS document to link to all of the html pages. Only needs to do html once.

/Create new CSS document

/Can only see in code view. Need to link to html page in order to see.

/Can make notes ....

/To create body.

/Font family...


/Save style sheet (use all lower case, no space)