This afternoon I dropped in at screen print to print the inner label of my tshirt design. The fashion shop didn't have any cotton fabric, so I went and got an XXL t-shirt (more fabric for my money, why not!) and used this to print on. I will then cut this up to produce my inner labels.
I began printing this in one colour to see how well the screen worked; it started off fine but it slowly began to leak the more I used it and the emulsion was washing off the screen. This meant that I had to tape up the screen so that the ink didn't protrude onto my clothing, this worked for some of the pulls, but often it would the squeegy would get caught on the tape and let the ink through. Annoying.
I wanted to use 2 colours on the label (to keep in line with the rest of my branding for the tshirt line) black for the 'urban' part of the type and fluorescent red for the 'tease', I also wanted to use black to highlight what size tshirt was being purchased. I managed to line the type of the two up fine, but it seemed that the black ink leaked through the screen far more than the red and just made a mess. One of them print okay (ish) with a few marks but the screen was getting worse so I had to stop.
I also tried printing onto the hanger, however, after two attempts I realised this wasn't going to work. This ink wouldn't sit well on the hanger, I think this was because the hanger had a white gloss finish and the ink was too thin. Also, the hanger was curved so it was difficult for the screen to work with this. I am going to propose that this be done by pad printing on my boards.