Tuesday, 2 October 2012
InPress Meeting
Today we had our first meeting of the academic year. We wanted to
discuss our next event, in order for us to be able to get planning and
designing for it. As we are going to use InPress as a brief for level
06 we needed to ensure that we scheduled the event for before Christmas
(as this is the deadline for OUGD301). Our meeting was concise and to
the point; we are going to aim to hold our next event in the Corn
Exchange on the last weekend of November. This will allow us to then
sell Christmas themed work; a little context for our designs rather than
designing anything. We also wanted to hold it in the corn exchange over
a weekend this time; we thought this would allow us to have an opening
night (in which I proposed to have free prints for the first 20 people,
in an attempt to entice people along). We can then have the shop open
over the Saturday and Sunday, which will then give people a chance to
return and buy prints, or just come along if they cannot make the Friday
event. All in all, our overall mentality as a collective is to push
InPress further and that nothing is impossible!