Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Studio Workshop

The studio workshop today was about identifying why we have chosen the 4 briefs we have and what we aim to get out of them in terms of our 'needs' and 'wants' as a designer. I had already begun to consider this, but it definitely made me really identify each of these within the briefs I had chosen. It was a very useful exercise and has ensured that the briefs I tackle aid my development as a designer and help me produce the design I want to be producing.
So, I took each brief and on the reverse identified what skills each brief would allow me to develop, what context will it allow me to explore, what content it will allow me to investigate/research and what products will it allow me to develop.

(scanned reverse briefs) 

We were then required to produce a rationale for each of the briefs, this would enable us to identify why we are doing each brief and how we will respond to each brief in terms of product, range and distribution.

(notebook rationale scans)

This process really helped me consider what I am doing and ensure I am heading in the right direction.