Firstly, we collected the copper plate from Niel and buffed it up with Brasso...
We then worked on letterpressing the type for the reverse of the business cards. Francesca and Niall had previously tested the ratio of sheets of newsprint or newprint would be needed to the stock being printed on, so Niall and I compared the outcomes today and decided that the 1 tissue and stock gave the best effect and best impression.
and we printed...
We then taped off a screen to flood print colour onto a stock which will then be duplexed and used as the reverse of the business cards. We mixed up a brightish red colour (as close to the pantone colour on screen as possible) and a blue which complimented the tones.
After our 1pm briefing back up at Blenheim, we strolled back down, roughly cut the screenprinted stock to a business card size (as it will get precisely cut to size at a later stage, once the type side has been stuck on). One by one, we then pressed these using the hydraulic press.